Analysis of the Education Budget 2017/18.

Written by NCE Nepal

February 2, 2018

NCE Nepal has been engaged in the research, analysis, lobby and advocacy in the issues of education financing in 2017. Following its regular activities of analysis, NCE Nepal has made a quick analysis of the national budget 2017/18 so as to identify the major priority areas in the budget and the areas that are left behind. Despite of the government commitments at various national and international forums to allocate 20% of the national budget and 4-6% of the GDP amount in education sector, the percentage of education budget is in decreasing trend from past several years. In the current fiscal year of 2017/18, out of the total national budget only 9.91 percent (about NRs 126 billion) is allocated for the education sector. This declination in education budget shows that the state does not hold education as a matter of priority. Further, it has mark the quality of education questionable. In this context, the analysis of the education budget 2017/18 provided an insight to government priorities for development identifying the discrepancies in the education sector.

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