Impact of COVID 19 in Public School Education in Nepal

Written by NCE Nepal

January 25, 2021

National Campaign for Education Nepal (NCE Nepal) with ECOSOC status organization is a national network of different 409 member organizations that includes I/NGOs, teacher organization, journalists and community organization working for strengthening of the public education system in Nepal by ensuring the educational rights of children and adults that provisioned in the constitution. Established in 2003 as Nepal chapter of Global Campaign for Education (GCE), NCE Nepal has been engaged in the education campaigning through research, capacity enhancement initiatives, community mobilization and networking. In addition, NCE Nepal always believes in evidence-based advocacy because of which it gets involved contextually and in need based in the various research, tracking, monitoring and review works so as to obtain the real scenario of issues of public education. NCE Nepal also created the policy forums and conducted the debate based on the evidence generated from the research works of NCE Nepal to make such forums evidence and knowledge based. With the outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic, the education system in Nepal affected most. Nearly 9.1 million students’ learning is affected by it. School education system in public school did not seem to be ready to continue learning strategies during COVID 19. In the initial stage of COVID 19 expansion, schools were used to quarantine to manage the pandemic situation. Shutting down public schools impacted the right to education as ensured by the constitution of Nepal. Education sector has not yet come to the normal situation due to its sensitivity of transferring the virus in group learning activities in public school education though the authority of school re-opening has been given to local governments and they are taking lead in reopening of schools accordingly. Hence, to figure out the real impact of COVID 19 to the school education in Nepal, NCE Nepal as a leading organization in educational advocacy conducted a research in different local governments of 7 provinces of Nepal especially among the marginalized and deprived children and adults and representing more than hundred civil society organizations throughout Nepal.

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