Dream Learning Environment Booklet – En

Written by NCE Nepal

December 28, 2020

Every child has inborn rights to education. Basic education has been accepted as a fundamental right in the 2063 Interim Constitution of Nepal. Statistics of
the last 3 decades show considerable progress in the education sector. The collaborative efforts of the government and non-governmental institutions towards
achieving the Education for All Goals are remarkable. According to the government statistics, 95.3% of primary school aged children have been enrolled in school
and the enrolment rates in higher grades are also in increasing trend. However, there is still a big responsibility for the government to bring in 4.7% of primary
school aged children to school and retain a large number of children who drop out without completing the education. National Campaign for Education (NCENepal), a coalition of 52 national and international non-governmental organizations, teachers’ organizations and educational media houses launched the Dream
Learning Environment Campaign in partnership and support of UNICEF and in collaboration with its coalition members, UNESCO, Government of Nepal NonFormal Education Center and other stakeholders. The campaign was launched on the occasion of International Literacy Day and International Day for Girl Child
2013 with the slogan “Our Requirement, Girl Child Friendly Learning Environment”.
With the aim of creating an environment for bringing the out-of-school children to school and retaining those who are enrolled in school, the opinion survey
was undertaken in 35 districts of Nepal by the partner organizations of National Campaign for Education-Nepal (NCE- Nepal). Opinions of over 50,000 boys, girls
and adults were collected A booklet has been prepared by analyzing and integrating the opinions received from all the respondents. The opinions contained in
this booklet are expected to be useful in drawing attention of the government, policy makers, teachers, parents, development partners and other stakeholders
on what kind of dream learning environment the boys, girls and adults have and what kind of obstacles and problems they have in achieving those dreams.
Moreover, this booklet is expected to be useful in developing necessary strategic planning, taking collaborative steps for bringing the out-of-school girls and boys
in school, and ensuring quality education in school.
In addition, we also believe that this booklet was a good reference for initiating dialogues and discussions on the occasion of International Day for Girl Child and
also for many more future forums among the partner organizations related to the education sector of the Government of Nepal, various associations and schools.
Finally, on behalf of NCE-Nepal family, I would like to highly appreciate UNICEF Nepal for their valuable support and financial contribution for this campaign.
Similarly, we would like to express our gratitude to the Government of Nepal Non-Formal Education Center, UN agencies, District Education Offices, NCE-Nepal’s
partner organizations and other stakeholders including Dr. Kishor Shrestha for their continued cooperation, support and partnership. My acknowledgements also
to the entire NCE-Nepal secretariat staff whose efforts made this initiative a success.
Babu Kaji Shrestha

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