Working Strategies

  • We advance education as political agenda and deepen and widen our engagement with political parties with our firmed position.
  • We promote youth engagement and leadership at all levels
  • We ground our work- from planning, implementation to monitoring and evaluation
  • We strive to link our education initiatives with development discourse and people’s life
  • We explore and bring in fore the root cause of exclusion (social and economic)
  • We support communities and people’s initiatives to raise their voices for accountability
  • We link the best practices to promote the credible alternatives for ensuring quality education.
  • We regularly reflect and analyze the context to shape our strategies
  • We promote the approach- ‘transformation of education system.
  • We promote a critical discourse at all levels to support our strategic program priorities.
  • We link the education initiatives, from local to national to international level, including international treaty mechanisms.
  • We do grounded evidence based advocacy and campaigning at all level.
  • We continue to promote networking / alliances, coordination and linkage with the like- minded organizations.