The policy level discourse on Early Childhood Care and Development conducted by National Campaign for Education Nepal (NCE- Nepal) in coordination of its member organization, Education Journalist Group and collaboration with Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) Nepal and Civil Society Education Fund (CSEF) on March  21, 2017 ended up with the strong commitment from the members of the legislative parliaments for the lobby on the parliamentary forum regarding the policy level provisions to improve the quality learning environment in the ECD centers. The discourse made with the participation of the Members of Legislative Parliament, MoE and DoE representatives, representatives from SMC, parents, ECD specialists, educationists, Journalists, ECD focused organizations and other CSOs working for the educational rights concluded up with the need of the strong code of conduct so as to incorporate the policy level loop holes of the ECD in the national documents such as constitution, School Sector Development Plan (SSDP), Education Act etc.