Annual Final Report 2019

Written by NCE Nepal

December 28, 2020

Nati onal Campaign for Educati on Nepal (NCE Nepal) is a nati onal network of 364 member
organizati ons of diverse group like CSOs, I/NGOs, teachers, parents, journalists, etc. which are
working for protecti ng educati onal rights of children. Since its establishment in 2003, it has been
working as pioneering network organizati on so as to ensure the equitable, inclusive, free, quality
and life -long opportuniti es for all leaving no one behind. NCE Nepal always focused on the
evidence based lobby, advocacy and campaigning works from the local, provincial to the federal
level for the strengthening of the public educati on and drawing the att enti on of the all three levels
of the government in fulfi lling their commitments and as envisioned in the consti tuti on.
NCE Nepal from the very beginning has been making boundless eff orts in sensiti zing and alerti ng
the government in the educati onal issues. The engagement of NCE Nepal always remained
from the grass root level connecti ng local and to the global. NCE Nepal as a campaigning and
networking organizati on mainly focused on extending its territory areas for the engagement
and bringing up the educati onal issues to create bett er educati on system. NCE Nepal has long
run engagement vision and missions for the public educati on strengthening and making the
concerned stakeholders accountable and responsible for the same and bett erment. Besides, it
has also been creati ng the environment to the grass root people to raise their voices regarding
the concerns in educati on.
In completi on of glorious history of sixteen years, NCE Nepal was always supported by the
General members, District Coordinati on Committ ees, provincial committ ee, advisory committ ee
and development partners by which NCE Nepal has achieved and created the history in regards
to the improvement in public educati on and so as to ensure Free, compulsory and quality
educati on for all leaving no one behind. So, I am thankful to all the contributors in the path
created and initi ated by NCE Nepal. NCE Nepal team is much more obliged to the government
body: Nati onal Planning Commission, Nati onal Human Rights Commission, Ministry of Educati on,
Science and Technology (MoEST), Centre for Educati on and Human Resource Development
(CEHRD) and Department of Educati on, provincial/local government who had been the part
of NCE Nepal advocacy and had always supported the eff orts of NCE Nepal in promoti on of
educati on rights and contributi on in the public educati on strengthening of the nati on. I express
my deepest grati tude to strategic partners, funding partners including Global Campaign for
Educati on (GCE), Asia South Pacifi c Associati on for Basic and Adult Educati on (ASPBAE), Care
Nepal and Open Society Foundati on (OSF). Furthermore, the support from UN agencies i.e.
UNESCO, World Bank, Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO), Acti on Aid, World Vision, Aasaman
Nepal, Handicap Internati onal, Save the Children is always praised and acknowledged.
Furthermore, I would also like to express my hear� elt grati tude to all the advisors, researchers,
board members, steering committ ee and well-wishers for all the contributi on and team spirit
that they had made throughout the year in the public educati on strengthening and for their
endless support in advocacy and movements. I would also like to thank very much to the
Research and Publicati on Team of NCE Nepal for the conti nuous support and giving a directi on
towards the bett erment and improvement. Moreover, I am much thankful to the secretariat
team for the team spirit and hard work throughout the year for the achievement of the vision,
mission, goals and objecti ves of NCE Nepal.
Thank you
Dilli Ram Subedi

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