Annual Report 2016

Written by NCE Nepal

November 28, 2016

National Campaign for Education Nepal is a leading network of
286 organizations in securing rights to education in Nepal. The
beauty of this organization is diverseness in its members which
include I/NGOs, teachers’ federation, media and journalists,
community based organizations and academician. For establishing
every children’s rights to education in Nepal, it has been acting as
the civil society movement since 2003 and acting the role of even
coordinating organization among global and regional civil society
organizations, government agencies at national level, UN bodies and even grassroots level
organizations. Above all, it focuses on evidence based policy advocacy, networking, lobbing
and campaigning from grassroots to district level as well as national and international level.
The year 2016 remained remarkable for NCE-Nepal in succeeding in the campaign of
education privatization in which it enabled to submit the parallel report to UN CRC and
concluding observation from them in line with the recommendation made by NCE Nepal. It
is one of the highest achievements of NCE Nepal in 2016. In addition to this, engagement
in the School Sector Development Plan (SSDP) from the grassroots to the national
level and succeeded to incorporate the inputs from the Civil Society Perspectives in the
final document of SSDP which is also the other achievements of NCE Nepal in 2016.
Furthermore, NCE Nepal engaged in the SDG contextualization at the local and district
level to create the awareness and sensitization among the CSOs and public. As in the
past years, NCE Nepal’s participation in Local Education Group proved that participation of
CSO is crucial to ensure the voices of marginalized, deprived and vulnerable communities
in education. Along with these, NCE Nepal engaged in advocacy of the issues of education
financing, post constitutional engagement, education governance and accountability, DRR
in Education, Early Childhood Care and Development, and gender and equity in education.
In doing so, it created a platform in research, policy advocacy, networking, lobbying and
campaigning. As a result, the recognition of the organization has been broadened from
grassroots to international level.
Aiming to provide the glimpses of NCE Nepal’s engagement in 2016, this annual report has been
produced and it includes all the activities and engagement accomplished in 2016. Besides,
it bestows the pictures of NCE Nepal’s achievement of 2016, challenges faced, way forward
and best practices. These all are because of the continuous and collective efforts, partnership
and collaborative intervention. Therefore, I would like to take an advantage to acknowledge the
contribution of all who directly or indirectly involved for the preparation of this report. Specially,
I would like to express my sincere thanks to NCE Nepal’s outgoing board with the leadership
of Mr. Raj Kumar Gandharbha for their tireless efforts to make possible for accomplishing all
these outstanding achievements. Besides, I would like to express my gratitude to all the national
and international partners who joined their hands with NCE-Nepal financially and technically to
strengthen the movement. Particularly, the support from Civil Society Education Fund (CSEF)
through Global Campaign for Education (GCE) and Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and
Adult Education (ASPBAE), NCE Nepal’s member organizations like VSO, Action Aid Nepal,
Save the Children and UN agencies i.e. UNESCO and UNICEF remained quite instrumental to
accomplish the work. Therefore, I would like to thank to above mentioned agencies and NCE
Nepal’s members. Likewise, I would like to express my gratitude to the Ministry of Education
of Nepal for extending the partnership. Similarly, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation
to development partners, network organizations and NCE-coalition members whose significant
support contributed to achieve NCE-activities successfully. I am thankful to NCE Nepal’s
advisors for their continuous suggestions, advices and support to accomplish the interventions.
I am equally thankful to NCE-Nepal’s Research and Publication Team for their support in editing
and finalizing the documents. My special thanks goes to the NCE-Nepal’s secretariat staff for
their continuous efforts to accomplish the set goals and objectives of NCE-N.
Thank You.
Kumar Bhattarai
National Campaign for Education Nepal (NCE-Nepal)

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