by NCE Nepal | Mar 12, 2021 | Report
National Campaign for Education Nepal (NCE Nepal) with ECOSOC status organization is a national network of different 409 member organizations that includes I/NGOs, teacher organization, journalistsand community organization working for strengthening of the public...
by NCE Nepal | Dec 28, 2020 | Report
Nati onal Campaign for Educati on Nepal (NCE Nepal) is a nati onal network of 364 memberorganizati ons of diverse group like CSOs, I/NGOs, teachers, parents, journalists, etc. which areworking for protecti ng educati onal rights of children. Since its establishment in...
by NCE Nepal | Feb 27, 2019 | Report
by NCE Nepal | May 19, 2018 | Report
by NCE Nepal | Nov 28, 2016 | Report
National Campaign for Education Nepal is a leading network of286 organizations in securing rights to education in Nepal. Thebeauty of this organization is diverseness in its members whichinclude I/NGOs, teachers’ federation, media and journalists,community based...
by NCE Nepal | Nov 28, 2015 | Report
National Campaign for Education Nepal is a national level networkof 286 organizations. Its member organizations include I/NGOs,teacher federation, education journalist group and community basedorganizations. NCE Nepal since its establishment in 2003 has beenplaying...